The Joy of Dogs
so - last week Cassie (the pit bull) had to spend all day at the vet. which left her neurotic little brother (Kofi - 35lb shepard mix) in a complete tizzy.
he hates being left alone.
and, he's pretty sure that Cassie is the best thing since sliced bread. of course he's right.
i went back home in the middle of the day. he was thrilled. i put him in the car. even more thrilled. we walked into the vets office. no longer thrilled. he put the brakes on and started shedding. somehow he can actually throw hair from his body, covering everybody in the vicinity in a flurry of long white hair. he calmed down after we had been waiting a while. he even managed to get beyond his usual level of fear of strangers and smelled a few people (for which he got big praise and kisses from mom).
then we went back into the room. he hid under a chair. we had to drag him out so that the doctor could examine him.
off to the echocardiogram! (a heart ultrasound)
the vet tech tries to hold my little guy down on the table. and fails. now as i mentioned, he only weighs 35 lbs. and has a serious heart problem. but he's stubborn and strong as hell.
so, we decide that three grown adults should certainly be able to convince a little 35 lb dog to lay on his side. we wrestled. we failed. we wrestled. then, he expressed his anal glands.
so there we were, covered in slobber and dog hair in a tiny airless room filled with a decidely horrible smell.
that was when the professionals decided that he could stand for his ultrasound. which he did. quite well i might add.
finally, we returned to the house. where he was beside himself with glee. until i patted him on the head and dashed out the door to go back to work. he was not a happy boy. there was barking. and jumping. jumping so high i could see his little head in the glass at the top of the door. but i didn't succumb. someone has to pay the vet bills.
after work i picked up Cassie from the vet. and took her doped up butt home. Kofi was oh so happy to see us.
and had left us a little present by the water bowl to show his displeasure in his treatment.
so he and i had a little chat about pooping in the house.
frankly, i had to appreciate the clarity of his comments. i was very clear on the fact that he felt that being left alone and required to go to the vet all in the same day was way too much. people should be so clear.
then Cassie curled up in an impossibly small ball and went to sleep and Kofi and i sat down on the couch to watch tv. all was right with the world.
after (of course) i had cleaned up the poop and lit a churches worth of candles to cover up the lingering smell.
ah, the joys of living with dogs....